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Pictures of Different Shades of Purple

Shades of Purple Color with Names and HTML, Hex, RGB Codes

Purple Shades

The intermediate color between blue and red, purple, has a wide variety of shades. Often associated with majesty and mystery, purple is naturally found in a wide variety of flowers and has become nearly synonymous with various royal families. Ranging from light, lilac hues to the deep shades of purple associated with aristocracy, purple colors are as varying as they are fascinating.

The following list of purple shades will help you find the perfect color for your website or graphic design. It includes color names, Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes for easy reference.

True Purple

True purple is a shade similar to violet. However, unlike violet, as it is composed of mixing red and blue, true purple is a secondary color.

True Purple
Hex #6A0DAD
RGB 106, 13, 173
CMYK 39, 92, 0, 32


This light purple color is meant to reflect the natural coloring of the thistle plant often associated with Scotland.

Hex #D8BFD8
RGB 216, 191, 216
CMYK 0, 12, 0, 15


A pale, purple color made using light reddish-purple. Much paler than the color of the plum fruit, the color officially recognized as plum is also brightly vivid.

RGB 221, 160, 221
CMYK 0, 28, 0, 13


So purple as to appear almost blue, this shade is a tertiary color to purple and close in appearance to the natural color of Amethyst.

Hex #8F00FF
RGB 143, 0, 255
CMYK 44, 100, 0, 0


This rich, bright purple is meant to reflect the naturally vivid color of the orchid flower.

Hex #DA70D6
RGB 218, 112, 214
CMYK 0, 49, 2, 15


Leaning more towards pink, fuchsia incorporates a larger amount of red than other shades of purple to be brightly vibrant.

Hex #FF00FF
RGB 255, 0, 255
CMYK 0, 100, 0, 0

Medium Orchid

While medium orchid incorporates large amounts of red and blue, it is also composed of a good amount of green, which keeps it looking like a vibrant yet medium shade of purple.

Medium Orchid
Hex #BA55D3
RGB 186, 85, 211
CMYK 12, 60, 0, 17

Medium Purple

With more blue than red, this medium purple color reflects that of classic purple while remaining much more vibrant.

Medium Purple
Hex #9370DB
RGB 147, 112, 219
CMYK 33, 49, 0, 14

Blue Violet

With so much blue that this shade appears almost classic blue, it has just enough red to remain in the purple family.

Blue Violet
Hex #8A2BE2
RGB 138, 43, 226
CMYK 39, 81, 0, 11

Dark Violet

This is a deep, dark purple that remains slightly vibrant thanks to the violet tones present.

Dark Violet
Hex #9400D3
RGB 148, 0, 211
CMYK 30, 100, 0, 17

Dark Orchid

While this is a deeper color than the traditional orchid color, it is in no way to be considered a dark purple.

Dark Orchid
Hex #9932CC
RGB 153, 50, 204
CMYK 25, 75, 0, 20

Dark Magenta

This deep magenta color is the closest to natural purple, with enough red to appear slightly more vibrant than its base color.

Dark Magenta
Hex #8B008B
RGB 139, 0, 139
CMYK 0, 100, 0, 45


Indigo incorporates enough blue to appear on the blue end of the spectrum while remaining rich and vibrant enough to be considered a shade of purple.

Hex #4B0082
RGB 75, 0, 130
CMYK 42, 100, 0, 49


An extremely bright purple color named after the flower veronica prostrata.

Hex #A020F0
RGB 160, 32, 240
CMYK 33, 87, 0, 6

Pale Purple

A pale, purple-pink color that has the appearance of white with a slight purple tint.

Pale Purple
RGB 250, 230, 250
CMYK 0, 8, 0, 2


A very light, brilliant purple meant to reflect the natural color of the muted mallow wildflower.

Hex #E0B0FF
RGB 224, 176, 255
CMYK 12, 31, 0, 0


A pink-purple tone that reflects that of the naturally occurring heliotrope flower.

Hex #DF73FF
RGB 223, 115, 255
CMYK 13, 55, 0, 0


Also known as psychedelic purple, this color lies somewhere between the vivacity of electric purple and magenta. Made from fluorescent magenta and blue, this color gained a large amount of popularity with hippies in the 1960s and 70s.

Hex #DF00FF
RGB 223, 0, 255
CMYK 13, 100, 0, 0

Purple Pizzazz

As the name would suggest, this color is extremely bright and vibrant. First appearing as a Crayola crayon color in 1900, this color has many of the traits necessary to be classified within the spectrum of magenta and purple.

Purple Pizzazz
RGB 254, 78, 218
CMYK 0, 69, 14, 0

Liserian Purple

A bright purple with enough red to appear almost pink. The first reference to this color is from 1912.

Liserian Purple
Hex #DE6FA1
RGB 222, 111, 161
CMYK 0, 50, 27, 13


With enough red to lean towards the pink end of the purple spectrum, this is meant to reflect the color of mulberry jam.

Hex #C54B8C
RGB 197, 75, 140
CMYK 0, 62, 29, 23

Pearly Purple

A strong purple with more red than blue, this color first appeared in Crayola crayon sets in the 1990s.

Pearly Purple
Hex #B768A2
RGB 183, 104, 162
CMYK 0, 43, 11, 28


Purpureus is vividly purple and the naming of this color dates all the way back to 1382.

Hex #9A4EAE
RGB 154, 78, 174
CMYK 11, 55, 0, 32

Northwestern Purple

Deeply violet and close to blue on the color scale, this color was custom created as the official color of Northwestern University.

Northwestern Purple
Hex #4E2A84
RGB 78, 42, 132
CMYK 41, 68, 0, 48

KSU Purple

This shade falls somewhat closer to blue than red on the color scale, producing a dark, violet shade used in the print materials of Kansas State University. It is almost identical to northwestern purple.

KSU Purple
Hex #512888
RGB 81, 40, 136
CMYK 40, 71, 0, 47

Pomp and Power

This purple shade is deep yet muted, producing a more moderate purple color sometimes associated with royalty.

Pomp and Power
Hex #86608E
RGB 134, 96, 142
CMYK 6, 32, 0, 44

Mardi Gras

A deep, dark purple color commonly used in Mardi Gras decorations.

Mardi Gras
Hex #880085
RGB 136, 0, 133
CMYK 0, 100, 2, 47


This deep, medium purple has been used since the 1800s in order to describe the deep majesty of the color commonly used by royals.

Hex #6C3082
RGB 108, 48, 130
CMYK 17, 63, 0, 49

Pansy Purple

Named after the purple pansy flower, this color mirrors the bloom, a shade between indigo and violet.

Pansy Purple
Hex #78184A
RGB 120, 24, 74
CMYK 0, 80, 38, 53


This pale violet shade is associated with the University of Durham and Newcastle University Medical School, with the name alluding to the area's historical status.

Hex #72246C
RGB 114, 36, 108
CMYK 0, 68, 5, 55

Dark Purple

A shade of purple so dark that it may almost be confused with black.

Dark Purple
Hex #301934
RGB 48, 25, 52
CMYK 8, 52, 0, 80


A dark shade of purple, the name of which was first recorded in 1926 in a reference to the ancient Byzantine empire.

Hex #702963
RGB 112, 41, 99
CMYK 0, 63, 12, 56

African Violet

A light Pantone purple based on the unique color of African violets.

African Violet
Hex #B284BE
RGB 178, 132, 190
CMYK 6, 31, 0, 25


This violet color is so moderate it almost appears to be transparent. Named after the color of amethyst crystals.

Hex #9966CC
RGB 153, 102, 204
CMYK 25, 50, 0, 20

Chinese Violet

A moderately deep purple. This subdued color correlates to the Chinese Violet flower.

Chinese Violet
Hex #856088
RGB 133, 96, 136
CMYK 2, 29, 0, 47

English Violet

An extremely dark purple. English Violet borders on black while retaining enough red hues to still be recognizably purple.

English Violet
Hex #563C5C
RGB 86, 60, 92
CMYK 7, 35, 0, 64

Russian Violet

As opposed to English Violet, Russian Violet contains more blue hues, giving this color the appearance of a blue that is edging towards black.

Russian Violet
Hex #32174D
RGB 50, 23, 77
CMYK 35, 70, 0, 70

Fairy Tale

This soft pink has enough lavender hues to pass for a purple shade. Making its display as a Pantone color, it is named after the color most seen attributed to typical fairy garb.

Fairy Tale
Hex #F2C1D1
RGB 242, 193, 209
CMYK 0, 20, 14, 5


This vivid purplish red falls somewhere between a mix of pink and purple, giving this fun color its equally fanciful name.

Hex #B53389
RGB 181, 51, 137
CMYK 0, 72, 24, 29

French Mauve

While this vivid purple may also be known as deep mauve, it is classified purely as "mauve" in French and it is named after the mallow flower.

French Mauve
Hex #D473D4
RGB 212, 115, 212
CMYK 0, 46, 0, 17


This unusually-named purple shade is a lot like a deeper version of lavender. It's a great choice if you want something that has bold energy without the full depth of violet or similar colors.

Hex #6F4685
RGB 111, 70, 133
CMYK 17, 47, 0, 48

Boss's Jokes

This bright magenta-like purple is perfect if you want a bright, energetic purple shade that is almost pink. It would do especially well as an accent color against neutrals or as a part of an especially bright color palette.

Boss's Jokes
Hex #B0306A
RGB 176, 48, 106
CMYK 0, 73, 40, 31


The iris is a vibrant flower that comes in a whole range of colors. Iris is a well-balanced purple that manages to be light without being washed out. This springlike shade pairs very well with green and yellow pastels.

Hex #9867C5
RGB 152, 103, 197
CMYK 23, 48, 0, 23

Long Distance

This subdued color is a quiet grayish purple, as evidenced by its high percentage of black. And if you look at the RGB value, you can see that it has approximately equal amounts of red and blue, making it a great classic purple.

Long Distance
Hex #6F456E
RGB 111, 69, 110
CMYK 0, 38, 1, 56

Prince Charming

This Disney-associated color is fittingly regal. Its dark, bluish cast makes it look much like the coats worn by many cartoon princes atop their white horses.

Prince Charming
Hex #493F5E
RGB 73, 63, 94
CMYK 22, 33, 0, 63

Lipstick Stain

Purple lipstick isn't for everyone, but appropriately, many purple lipsticks are made in a similar color to Lipstick Stain. This shade involves a good bit of both magenta and black. That explains its significant energy despite the fact that it's a cool color. Similarly, Lipstick Stain also has roughly the same amount of red and blue.

Lipstick Stain
Hex #8E4785
RGB 142, 71, 133
CMYK 0, 50, 6, 44


The word "pompadour" refers to a distinctive hairstyle where the front of the hair is swept upward. Though it was popularized by Madame de Pompadour, one of the mistresses of King Louis XV, it is now especially popular as a men's hairstyle. This color seems like an appropriate representation. It's proud without being overly gaudy or hard on the eyes.

Hex #720058
RGB 114, 0, 88
CMYK 0, 100, 23, 55

Grape Color

Despite the name, Grape Color is more the color of cartoon grapes than it is the color of the actual fruit. It's similar to a deep lavender with a little extra blue. As you can see from the RGB value, this color has a significant amount of blue. As a cool color that's fairly energetic, Grape Color is an especially good choice for activewear or spring clothing.

Grape Color
Hex #6F2DA8
RGB 111, 45, 168
CMYK 34, 73, 0, 34


This aptly-named color is truer to the actual color of wine than many "wine red" colors are. As a deep, dark purple, it's roughly the color of a good pinot noir. Though Wine will generally be too dark for walls, it's an excellent choice for dramatic accents in any room. It pairs especially well with ivory or parchment shades.

Hex #2C041C
RGB 44, 4, 28
CMYK 0, 91, 36, 83

Pizza Edge

This color is somewhat confusingly named. After all, the edge of a pizza isn't purple at all. Pizza Edge is roughly between the color of fuchsia and royal purple, and it has roughly equal amounts of red and blue. Pizza Edge pops when placed against yellow, but it also looks nice in a medley of cool colors like blue and green.

Pizza Edge
Hex #9A2CA0
RGB 154, 44, 160
CMYK 4, 72, 0, 37

Tyrian Purple

Tyrian Purple is named after a natural pigment that comes from a species of sea snail. It gets its name from the city of Tyre in Lebanon. You may sometimes hear it called royal purple or Phoenician purple. As a reddish-colored purple, this color is ideal if you want a rich, deep purple with some energy.

Tyrian Purple
Hex #66023C
RGB 102, 2, 60
CMYK 0, 98, 41, 60

Ultra Violet

Despite the name, Ultra Violet isn't an overwhelming or incredibly loud purple shade. If anything, it's one of the quieter ones on the list. As a bluish-purple, it's a lovely shade if you want a calming color that's still in the purple family. Its complementary color is a somewhat dull olive green, and it also looks nice near various shades of gray.

Ultra Violet
Hex #645394
RGB 100, 83, 148
CMYK 32, 44, 0, 42


This appropriately-named pale purple combines businesslike calm and playful creative energy. It's essentially a version of lilac with more blue. And since working in blue spaces has been linked to greater productivity, Studio is a great color to pick if you're designing a workspace but still want to be surrounded by purple.

Hex #7851A9
RGB 120, 81, 169
CMYK 29, 52, 0, 34

Electric Purple

Many purple shades are relatively calm, but this highly energetic purple is ideal if your project needs a splash of fun. As you'll see on its CMYK values, Electric Purple is devoid of any black or yellow. It's really a mixture of cyan and magenta. This color can really add some energy when paired with bright yellow or green.

Electric Purple
Hex #BF00FF
RGB 191, 0, 255
CMYK 25, 100, 0, 0


No list of purples is complete without the deep, dark shade of the beloved eggplant. This regal shade will add an air of quiet confidence to any project you're working on. Pairing it with a dark green is a great choice. And because it has a relatively high proportion of black, Eggplant is a great choice for printing a logo or adding text on a white background.

Hex #311432
RGB 49, 20, 50
CMYK 2, 60, 0, 80

Periwinkle Purple

You might imagine a powder-blue shade when you think of periwinkle. But the periwinkle flowers the color is named for can actually vary considerably in color. Some are blue, some are white, and some are purple, and Periwinkle Purple accurately captures the color of the purple variant. This pastel-like color is pale and dreamy, and it would make a great wall color.

Periwinkle Purple
Hex #BE93E4
RGB 190, 147, 228
CMYK 17, 36, 0, 11


The fruity aroma of sangria is the perfect complement to a summer night, and this deep purple is another darker shade that works well for printing text or making logos. It looks nice against darker greens and blues. Since it has almost equal amounts of magenta and black, it's an interesting alternative to darker bluish purples.

Hex #4D0F28
RGB 77, 15, 40
CMYK 0, 81, 48, 70


Not many projects typically call for a dark brownish-purple. But if you're working on one that does, Raisin should fit the bill perfectly. Its deep color would look stunning as a background to white lettering, and it also will look good next to a very deep forest green.

Hex #290916
RGB 41, 9, 22
CMYK 0, 78, 46, 84

Mountbatten Pink

Though this color is described as pink, it has more of a purple cast. It also has an interesting history. Mountbatten Pink was used as a camouflage color for ships in WWII by Lord Mountbatten of Britain. Though Mountbatten believed that it worked, experts generally agreed that, if anything, being painted Mountbatten Pink actually made ships more obvious.

Mountbatten Pink
Hex #997A8D
RGB 153, 122, 141
CMYK 0, 20, 8, 40

Fuchsia Blue

You probably know fuchsia as being what's essentially a bright magenta. But when you add some cyan, you get the lovely shade known as fuchsia blue. This color looks a lot like a quieter version of Electric Purple, which makes sense. Despite being over 55% magenta, this blue still has a significant amount of cyan and black.

Fuchsia Blue
Hex #9C51B6
RGB 156, 81, 182
CMYK 14, 55, 0, 29

Good Tax

As you've seen, there's no shortage of purple shades with odd names, and Good Tax is certainly one. This is a pale, pastel-like purple, and it gives off a relaxed vibe thanks to a large amount of cyan. Remarkably, it has no yellow or black in it. This explains its cooler shade and pale appearance.

Good Tax
Hex #C9A0FF
RGB 201, 160, 255
CMYK 21, 37, 0, 0


Freshly-canned jam is something truly special, and this warm yet deep purple shade captures the essence of a jar the second you open it. Its dark red look gives it an appearance like that of cherry jam. This color makes a statement, and it's a good choice for apparel design.

Hex #67032F
RGB 103, 3, 47
CMYK 0, 97, 54, 60

Ripe Plum

The color of a true ripe plum is typically a little darker than this, but Ripe Plum is nonetheless an excellent choice for a range of products. If you favor a bold look on a home, try using it to paint the shutters and door. Ripe Plum is also a dignified color if you need tablecloths for an event.

Ripe Plum
Hex #410056
RGB 65, 0, 86
CMYK 24, 100, 0, 66


You might picture gray when you imagine heather, but this soft purple is the actual color of most heather blossoms. Heather is a hardy shrub that grows in much of Scotland, and its flowers bloom toward the end of summer. This pale purple is calm enough to use in a bedroom, and it looks especially nice in a palette with other shades of purple.

Hex #9E7BB5
RGB 158, 123, 181
CMYK 13, 32, 0, 29

Magenta Purple

This pretty, medium shade is close to what most people think of when they imagine purple. The particular purple looks a bit like Electric Purple, and it's somewhat bright in color without being pale. Thanks to its high proportion of magenta, this purple shade is somewhat high-energy and works very well as an accent color.

Magenta Purple
Hex #A32CC4
RGB 163, 44, 196
CMYK 17, 78, 0, 23

Mountain's Majesty

This soothing color seems to tread the line between periwinkle blue and periwinkle purple. It would make a great color for a peaceful reading nook or for a bedroom. If you're going for a fancier look, this color also pairs well with a touch of gold.

Mountain's Majesty
Hex #9078C0
RGB 144, 120, 192
CMYK 25, 38, 0, 25

Old Lavender

Appropriately, this is a color that really looks like dried lavender. While it is technically still purple, its somewhat large amounts of green and black help give it its aged look. A diluted version of this color would work well for walls. And as it is, Old Lavender is a great color for accent pieces like pillows and rugs.

Old Lavender
Hex #796878
RGB 121, 104, 120
CMYK 0, 14, 1, 53

Rebecca Purple

Rebecca Purple has a tragic backstory. It was named for Rebecca Alison Meyer, the daughter of CSS pioneer Eric Meyer. Rebecca died on her sixth birthday, and designer Jeffrey Zeldman started a campaign to name this shade after her. Purple was Rebecca's favorite color, and this shade was officially called "Rebecca Purple" in 2014.

Rebecca Purple
Hex #663399
RGB 102, 51, 153
CMYK 33, 67, 0, 40

Razzmic Berry Purple

This color might sound familiar – it's the name of one of Crayola's colors. As a twist on the color raspberry, Razzmic Berry is a little more purple and a little less red. If you're looking for a whimsical color that just might hearken back to your childhood, try using Razzmic Berry in your next project.

Razzmic Berry Purple
Hex #8D4E85
RGB 141, 78, 133
CMYK 0, 45, 6, 45

Wine Dregs Purple

Unsurprisingly, this shade of purple has some major similarities to Wine. And fittingly, it's a bit more gray, too. Wine Dregs Purple is an ideal choice if you want a shade of purple that doesn't quite fit in anywhere. It's too red to be mauve and too gray to be burgundy. But for that special project where you need a truly unique shade, Wine Dregs Purple just might be it.

Wine Dregs Purple
Hex #673147
RGB 103, 49, 71
CMYK 0, 52, 31, 60

Regalia Purple

Regalia Purple is a deep, regal purple that commands attention. It's right at home next to gold, but it also would work very well in a palette with pastels like robin's egg blue. Since it's fairly heavy on both blue and black, Regalia Purple is much calmer than some other shades of deeper purple.

Regalia Purple
Hex #522D80
RGB 82, 45, 128
CMYK 36, 65, 0, 50

Twilight Lavender Purple

This beautifully unique, dusky color is a little like that of lavender fields at the golden hour. If you like mauve but need something with a little more red, it's an ideal choice. Twilight Lavender Purple fits in well with grays, and it also looks good alongside some shades of green or blue.

Twilight Lavender Purple
Hex #8A496B
RGB 138, 73, 107
CMYK 0, 47, 22, 46

Traditional Purple

As the name suggests, Traditional Purple is another representation of what many people think of when they picture purple. And fittingly, it is an average purple in many respects. It has roughly the same amount of red and blue, as well as about the same amount of magenta and cyan. Traditional Purple looks great in palettes of various shades of bluish purple.

Traditional Purple
Hex #8E4585
RGB 142, 69, 133
CMYK 0, 51, 6, 44

Spanish Violet Purple

Some shades of purple have a bit of a backstory, and Spanish Violet Purple is one of them. You might think that it's named after a special variety of violet. However, it's the exact shade calledvioleta ("violet") in a popular book of colors that's used in many Spanish-speaking countries.

Spanish Violet Purple
Hex #4C2882
RGB 76, 40, 130
CMYK 42, 69, 0, 49

Imperial Purple

Though Tyrian Purple is sometimes called "imperial purple," this particular Imperial Purple is a different shade altogether. This one is deep and particularly rich in blue, much more so than Tyrian Purple. It's especially striking when placed next to deep blue-greens.

Imperial Purple
Hex #602F6B
RGB 96, 47, 107
CMYK 10, 56, 0, 58

Japanese Violet Purple

This shade is the color officially designated as "violet" in Japan. Japan names and numbers colors with what's known as the traditional Japanese colors group. This collection of colors has been used since the year 660 CE.

Japanese Violet Purple
Hex #5B3256
RGB 91, 50, 86
CMYK 0, 45, 5, 64

Munsell Purple

This is another purple shade that's part of a distinct color system. As the name suggests, Munsell Purple is part of the Munsell Color System, a group of colors put forth by professor Albert H. Munsell. This interesting system classifies colors based on hue (location on color spectrum), chroma (saturation), and value (lightness).

Munsell Purple
Hex #9F00C5
RGB 159, 0, 197
CMYK 19, 100, 0, 23

Deep Ruby Purple

This is another purple that comes very close to being a red. After all, based on the RGB value, you can see that it contains much more red than blue. And interestingly enough, it doesn't include cyan (but is over 50% magenta). Its deep, slightly dusky color makes it pair nicely with slightly brighter colors.

Deep Ruby Purple
Hex #843F5B
RGB 132, 63, 91
CMYK 0, 52, 31, 48

Purple Heart

This shade of purple is another of Crayola's classic colors. It's paler than the purple that you see on Purple Heart medals. It looks a little more like saturated lavender. Though it's fairly light thanks to having very little black, the amount of blue in Purple Heart makes it much cooler than some other purples.

Purple Heart
Hex #7442C8
RGB 116, 66, 200
CMYK 42, 67, 0, 22

Lavender Blush

Sometimes, you just need a barely-there purple for a project, and Lavender Blush is a prime example. At first, it looks more like a pale pink. But if you take a look at the RGB values, you'll see that it has approximately equal parts red and blue. The very pale nature of Lavender Blush makes it a perfect understated wall color or color for stationery.

Lavender Blush
Hex #FFF0F5
RGB 255, 240, 245
CMYK 0, 6, 4, 0

Early Bird

Early Bird is another of the soothing, periwinkle-like purples. This one is a little more saturated than most, and it also has a bit more blue. Its name and the shade itself suggest the pale purplish blue you often see in the morning sky.

Early Bird
RGB 206, 162, 253
CMYK 19, 36, 0, 1


Though darker than the blooms on an actual lilac, this is nonetheless a very pretty shade of purple. Its relative lightness means that it can add some energy and life into just about any color palette. Lilac looks especially nice when paired with turquoise or similar colors.

Hex #B65FCF
RGB 182, 95, 207
CMYK 12, 54, 0, 19

Purple Taupe

The name of this color might come as a bit of a surprise. After all, most of us don't think of the dull brown color of taupe and the vibrance of purple as working together. However, Purple Taupe is a highly effective color choice if you need a neutral color scheme yet want to incorporate elements of purple. Similar to some shades of olive green, Purple Taupe can be used as a neutral on some projects.

Purple Taupe
Hex #50404D
RGB 80, 64, 77
CMYK 0, 20, 4, 69

Cyber Grape Purple

If you're one to notice colors with unique names, Cyber Grape is certainly a standout. This deep, calm purple is similar to the fairly dark purple typically associated with grapes. However, thanks to its large amounts of blue, Cyber Grape is similar to slate blue.

Cyber Grape Purple
Hex #58427C
RGB 88, 66, 124
CMYK 29, 47, 0, 51

Kingfisher Daisy

This color is named after an actual plant that's commonly called the kingfisher daisy, Felicia, or blue daisy. These daisies typically aren't quite as purple as this particular color. But nonetheless, this quiet purple works well in a multi-purple palette or up against some cool blues.

Kingfisher Daisy
Hex #653780
RGB 101, 55, 128
CMYK 21, 57, 0, 50


Otherworldly and ominous, Seance is a perfectly named purple shade. Its large proportions of blue and black prevent it from becoming overly warm. Seance is still fairly close to what most of us see when we picture "purple," so it's a familiar choice for a lot of different applications.

Hex #61346B
RGB 97, 52, 107
CMYK 9, 51, 0, 58

Lavender Gray

Purple-gray colors aren't typically as popular as blue-gray ones. But if you need just a hint of purple in a backdrop or wall color, you might want to consider the misty, peaceful lavender gray. This color is heavier on the blue than on the red, but it makes for a cool, relaxing color to be around.

Lavender Gray
Hex #B6B5D8
RGB 182, 181, 216
CMYK 16, 16, 0, 15


This magenta-heavy purple almost crosses the line into pink. Regardless of whether you consider it to be pink or purple, Hopbush is named for the fruit of a bush of the same name. Hopbush fruit is pinkish-purple in color and appears in the summer. It contrasts beautifully with the leaves of the hopbush, which are typically a bronze-green color.

Hex #D05FAD
RGB 208, 95, 173
CMYK 0, 54, 17, 18


Tacao is a classic-looking purple that leans more blue than it does red. But its slightly cool edge makes it great for a variety of projects. Its fresh look makes it an ideal choice for spring outerwear and athletic wear. Tacao will pair well with most bright colors and most neutrals, making it incredibly versatile.

Hex #6F3096
RGB 111, 48, 150
CMYK 26, 68, 0, 41

Brilliant Purple

You might expect a color called "brilliant purple" to be one of the deeper, royal-looking shades on the list. However, this one has its own brilliance. It's light in color and similar to amethyst, and it's easy to imagine a sparkle around the edges.

Brilliant Purple
Hex #D399E6
RGB 211, 153, 230
CMYK 8, 33, 0, 10

Murasaki Purple

Murasaki simply means "purple" in Japanese. The word is used to describe a range of purple vegetables. There's a type of pepper known as Murasaki purple, and there are also Murasaki sweet potatoes. This color is very close to the color of Murasaki vegetables. It's very deep and dark, making it ideal for creating dramatic accents on lighter backdrops.

Murasaki Purple
Hex #4F284B
RGB 79, 40, 75
CMYK 0, 49, 5, 69

Blackish Purple

This is one of the darkest purples you can possibly find. Blackish Purple may not be the color for every occasion. But since its proximity to black makes it essentially a neutral, it's a good choice when you need a very dark, black-like neutral for a project.

Blackish Purple
Hex #291E29
RGB 41, 30, 41
CMYK 0, 27, 0, 84

Lovely Purple

True to its name, this color is a lovely shade of purple. It comes very close to being a shade of blue. As you can see from its RGB values, it's made with a very high proportion of blue. It's also one of the brighter shades on the list. Lovely Purple is dark enough to be used as a backdrop color, but it's also light enough for use in the foreground of any project.

Lovely Purple
Hex #7F38EC
RGB 127, 56, 236
CMYK 46, 76, 0, 7

Vulgar Purple (Grape Jelly)

"Vulgar" technically just means "common," but it has a generally negative connotation. So this color is often referred to by the more pleasant name of "Grape Jelly." That's a fitting name – Grape Jelly is about as dark as its namesake, although it may have a little extra blue.

Vulgar Purple (Grape Jelly)
Hex #3E2F84
RGB 62, 47, 132
CMYK 53, 64, 0, 48

University of Central Arkansas Purple

Just about every college and university selects a specific hex and CMYK value for each color used in its logo. That helps ensure that college materials look exactly the same whether they're used on signage, printed on shirts, or incorporated into brochures. This deep bluish purple helps make up the shield logo of the University of Central Arkansas.

University of Central Arkansas Purple
Hex #4F2D7F
RGB 79, 45, 127
CMYK 38, 65, 0, 50

FedEx Purple

Universities aren't the only institutions that need to ensure color consistency across materials. The same is true of large companies. This particular shade of purple may be familiar. You've probably seen it on the sides of FedEx vehicles. It's the color that makes up the first part of the company logo.

FedEx Purple
Hex #660099
RGB 102, 0, 153
CMYK 33, 100, 0, 40

Carolina Plum

Some hex values are claimed by paint companies, and Carolina Plum is one of the colors that Benjamin Moore offers. This relatively pale, dusty-looking purple is kind of like a grayish lavender. It would make a good wall color if you prefer a room to be slightly dark in color without becoming suffocating.

Carolina Plum
Hex #9B84A1
RGB 155, 132, 161
CMYK 4, 18, 0, 37


Kalamata is another of Benjamin Moore's paint colors. This one is appropriately named after the kalamata olive. The olives may be slightly more brown than this color, but Kalamata is an excellent choice for a dark background color or for use as text over a lighter background.

Hex #705160
RGB 112, 81, 96
CMYK 0, 28, 14, 56

Black Currant

Dark lipsticks never seem to completely go out of style, and most of them are shades of purple. This lovely color is one of those used by L.A. Girl. It stands out because, despite being a dark purple, Black Currant still has a high proportion of red. You can see this in its RGB values – it still has some blue, but it has far more red.

Black Currant
Hex #540E32
RGB 84, 14, 50
CMYK 0, 83, 40, 67

Purple 4

Not all shades of purple come with interesting names. Purple 4 is a beautiful bluish purple that isn't excessively dark. It's a great choice if you're working on a project that needs an energetic shade that isn't quite as loud as Electric Purple and similar colors.

Purple 4
Hex #551A8B
RGB 85, 26, 139
CMYK 39, 81, 0, 45

Strong Purple

Despite the name, Strong Purple isn't quite what you'd think of when you imagine a strong version of this versatile color. That isn't a problem, though. As evidenced by its RGB values, Strong Purple is a medium shade with approximately equal amounts of red and blue.

Strong Purple
Hex #875692
RGB 135, 86, 146
CMYK 8, 41, 0, 43

Pale Purple

This pretty color is similar to lilac, and it's a versatile choice if you want a light purple that isn't quite a pastel. Pale purple would do well in a palette with other pale versions of cool colors, and it also looks good with neutrals like brown or gray.

Pale Purple
Hex #AA98A9
RGB 170, 152, 169
CMYK 0, 11, 1, 33

Vivid Reddish Purple

Purple is a cool color, but shades that contain more red have a look that's a little warmer. Bluish versions tend to appear more springlike, while reddish versions like this one have a more summery feel. Vivid Reddish Purple works well against a neutral palette where it will stand out, and it also looks nice alongside similarly bright colors.

Vivid Reddish Purple
Hex #870074
RGB 135, 0, 116
CMYK 0, 100, 14, 47

Medium Purple 3

Though it's another color with a less-than-exciting name, Medium Purple 3 is an especially pretty shade. It looks a little like a darker and more saturated periwinkle. This color looks especially nice next to ivory and cream. The fact that it has more blue than red makes it a demure, cool shade of purple.

Medium Purple 3
Hex #8968CD
RGB 137, 104, 205
CMYK 33, 49, 0, 20

Middle Purple

The name of this color might make you think that it's close in appearance to Middle Purple 3. However, it's almost pink. Middle Purple is the name of a Crayola purple, and it's best described as a red-heavy, medium-light purple. It has a dusky quality about it that makes it look very nice alongside tan and similar neutrals.

Middle Purple
Hex #D982B5
RGB 217, 130, 181
CMYK 0, 40, 17, 15


Cardinal is a confusingly named purple. After all, cardinals tend to be a bright scarlet red in color. This shade is the name of a paint made by Resene, and it's most accurately described as a deep, red-heavy purple. It's close to burgundy in color, and it looks especially nice next to other jewel tones.

Hex #8A244E
RGB 138, 36, 78
CMYK 0, 74, 43, 46

Embassy Purple

This businesslike, near-black purple is a shade made by Ralph Lauren. It's roughly the color of black cherries, albeit with a little less red. Embassy Purple is a great alternative to black when printing materials, and it's perfect for adding just a hint of purple to neutral color palettes.

Embassy Purple
Hex #3B343C
RGB 59, 52, 60
CMYK 2, 13, 0, 76

Lakers Purple

If you're a sports fan, you may recognize this purple on sight. It's the exact color used for the Lakers logo. Not surprisingly, Lakers Purple looks good alongside yellow and other bright colors.

Lakers Purple
Hex #552582
RGB 85, 37, 130
CMYK 35, 72, 0, 49

Amaranth Purple

This distinctive color is named after the purple amaranth, a species of pigweed. It's sometimes called livid amaranth. This plant features unusual "flower spikes" that offer a welcome contrast to typical blooms. Florists sometimes use cuttings of purple amaranth to add variety to flower bouquets, and this plant can also be grown in gardens.

Amaranth Purple
Hex #AB274F
RGB 171, 39, 79
CMYK 0, 77, 54, 33

Purple Navy

Some of the most interesting shades of purple are those that tread the line between purple and blue (or purple and red). And when you look at Purple Navy, it can be hard to tell whether it's a shade of blue or a shade of purple. This deep color is ideal if you like navy blue but want to choose something a little different.

Purple Navy
Hex #4E5180
RGB 78, 81, 128
CMYK 39, 37, 0, 50

Insolent Purple

This amusingly named color is another shade of purple used in lipstick. More specifically, Insolent Purple is one of Estee Lauder's signature lipstick colors. Because it's roughly between a pink and a deep purple, it's ideal for those who want a dark lip that isn't too dark.

Insolent Purple
Hex #682E3C
RGB 104, 46, 60
CMYK 0, 56, 42, 59

Smyrna Purple

Smyrna Purple is a soft, lovely shade that borders on pink. It also contains a fair amount of black (as seen in its CMYK values), so it isn't particularly pale. Smyrna Purple would work well as a wall color if you're looking for something bold. It also is a great choice for clothing, as it's cheerful without being overly bright.

Smyrna Purple
Hex #A2627A
RGB 162, 98, 122
CMYK 0, 40, 25, 36

East Carolina University Purple

Interestingly enough, colleges and universities using purple in their logos tend to settle on similar shades of dark bluish purple. ECU Purple is very close to KSU Purple. It combines the authority of blue with the regal nature of purple, making it an excellent option for a university to choose.

East Carolina University Purple
Hex #592A8A
RGB 89, 42, 138
CMYK 36, 70, 0, 46

Little Princess

This enchantingly named color is made by Porter Paints. It's a very pale cream color with just a touch of purple, making it a pleasant and classic choice for a wall color. And because it's so close to ivory or cream, Little Princess is a viable alternative to various shades of off-white when it comes to paper and stationery.

Little Princess
Hex #E9DCE5
RGB 233, 220, 229
CMYK 0, 6, 2, 9

Aesthetic Purple

As the name suggests, Aesthetic Purple is very pleasing to the eye. It's a deep bluish color that possesses an elegance that few purple shades do. Aesthetic Purple really pops when put up against bright greens and yellows, but it also pairs nicely with silver and gold.

Aesthetic Purple
Hex #502380
RGB 80, 35, 128
CMYK 38, 73, 0, 50


This unique shade of purple is fairly close to what most of us likely picture when we imagine purple. It's neither too red nor too blue. Its complementary color is a very slightly brown shade of green. In this combination, Kikyo-iru offers a picture of understated elegance.

Hex #5D3F6A
RGB 93, 63, 106
CMYK 12, 41, 0, 58

Metallic Purple

Metallic Purple is somewhat confusingly named. After all, it's hard for a flat color to look metallic. But this shade is just deep enough to look nice with a touch of sparkle. This classic purple works especially well with yellow, but it also pairs nicely with various shades of blue.

Metallic Purple
Hex #520E7D
RGB 82, 14, 125
CMYK 34, 89, 0, 51

Hot Purple

This neon-like shade is very similar to Electric Purple. It's perfect to use wherever you need a pop of color. However, Hot Purple also works nicely in summery color palettes where you need several bright, attention-grabbing colors.

Hot Purple
Hex #A420D0
RGB 164, 32, 208
CMYK 21, 85, 0, 18

Faded Purple

This color is aptly named, and it's ideal if you're looking for a grayish shade of purple that isn't overly gray. This color is close enough to a neutral that it works well for clothing. It also will look nice alongside various shades of gray.

Faded Purple
Hex #795F80
RGB 121, 95, 128
CMYK 5, 26, 0, 50

Mythical Purple

This pretty, soothing purple is somewhat similar to Lakers Purple. It's versatile, too. Mythical Purple is dark enough to use for lettering but light enough to serve as a backdrop. It also looks nice paired with Sap Green, its complementary color.

Mythical Purple
Hex #53277E
RGB 83, 39, 126
CMYK 34, 69, 0, 51

Languid Lavender

The name Languid Lavender really suits this color. It's wistful and airy, making it the perfect springlike wall color. Languid Lavender is a bit like a paler version of amethyst, and it also can serve as a useful and versatile background color.

Languid Lavender
RGB 214, 202, 221
CMYK 3, 9, 0, 13


Mauveine is a color with a very interesting history. It was one of the first ever synthetic dyes. And it wasn't even deliberately developed. A scientist discovered it in 1856 while working on finding a cure for malaria.

Hex #8D029B
RGB 141, 2, 155
CMYK 9, 99, 0, 39

Blue Lilac

Lilac and Lavender, two very popular shades of purple, both lend themselves to being mixed with blue. As you can see from its RGB values, Blue Lilac has a bit more blue than red, but it's still an unmistakable shade of purple. It's a good choice for painting an office if you like the color purple. Blue has been shown to stimulate creativity and productivity, and Blue Lilac manages to be both calming and energizing.

Blue Lilac
Hex #7B679A
RGB 123, 103, 154
CMYK 20, 33, 0, 40

Dark Byzantium

Named for the ancient Greek city of Byzantium (now Constantinople), Byzantium and Dark Byzantium are reminiscent of splendor. If you prefer a darker, more demure version of the classic Byzantium, you may find Dark Byzantium to be to your liking.

Dark Byzantium
Hex #5D3954
RGB 93, 57, 84
CMYK 0, 39, 10, 64

Luxury Purple

Purple has long been considered a luxuriant color, and Luxury Purple really takes that association to a new level. It looks especially nice when used in jewelry.

Luxury Purple
Hex #743089
RGB 116, 48, 137
CMYK 15, 65, 0, 46

Aztech Purple

This shade of purple is very close to being a bright blue. As you can see from the RGB values, it has far more blue than red. And as you can see in the CMYK values, it doesn't contain any black. Aztech Purple has an almost-neon quality, making it one of the most electric shades of purple out there.

Aztech Purple
Hex #893BFF
RGB 137, 59, 255
CMYK 46, 77, 0, 0

Baltimore Ravens Purple

The Baltimore Ravens have a distinctive dark black-and-purple logo, and this shade is the team's signature deep purple. As you can tell by the logo, this color pairs well with black and other dark shades.

Baltimore Ravens Purple
Hex #280353
RGB 40, 3, 83
CMYK 52, 96, 0, 67

Deep Magenta

Not to be confused with Dark Magenta, Deep Magenta is a bright purple that, unsurprisingly, contains a lot of magenta. The color magenta was named after the Italian Battle of Magenta, as the color was developed shortly before the battle itself.

Deep Magenta
Hex #CC00CC
RGB 204, 0, 204
CMYK 0, 100, 0, 20

Deep Purple

This distinctive, almost-blue shade is sometimes called Pageant. It's a deep color that leans toward the blue side, but it's warmer and lighter than navy blue. This color looks especially nice alongside other jewel tones.

Deep Purple
Hex #524F81
RGB 82, 79, 129
CMYK 36, 39, 0, 49

Rustic Purple

Purple probably isn't the color you think of when you hear the word "rustic." However, the name suits this shade. It has a slightly dark, slightly weathered appearance that looks great when paired with heather gray.

Rustic Purple
Hex #593163
RGB 89, 49, 99
CMYK 10, 51, 0, 61

Sunset Purple

Sunsets may primarily be orange and yellow, but the sky at dusk often turns a light purple. Sunset Purple does well at capturing this shade. It's a great choice if you want something that's just a little bolder than Lilac or Lavender.

Sunset Purple
Hex #A865B5
RGB 168, 101, 181
CMYK 7, 44, 0, 29

Artist's Purple

Artist's Purple is another shade that is close to magenta. This bright, bold color is essentially a darker version of magenta, and it's a great choice if your project requires a louder color than most shades of purple.

Artist's Purple
Hex #C71585
RGB 199, 21, 133
CMYK 0, 89, 33, 22

Dull Purple

Despite its unflattering name, Dull Purple is actually a very nice color. It looks a little like Lilac, but it's a little deeper and darker. If your project needs a solid medium purple, this is a good color to pick.

Dull Purple
Hex #9861A5
RGB 152, 97, 165
CMYK 8, 41, 0, 35

Traffic Purple

Traffic Purple is a reddish medium purple that's warmer than many purple shades. It's part of the European RAL color matching system. The RAL system is popular in a handful of European countries, including Italy, France, and Germany.

Traffic Purple
Hex #913073
RGB 145, 48, 115
CMYK 0, 67, 21, 43

Matte Purple

With most colors displayed on screens, it's impossible to differentiate matte and gloss. But it's easy to see why this inky shade of purple would look good as a matte color. It's a good choice if you're looking for a color that is close to black but still has some definite elements of color.

Matte Purple
Hex #392A48
RGB 57, 42, 72
CMYK 21, 42, 0, 72

Purple Violet

Purple Violet is another color that's part of the RAL system. It's someone unique in that it looks slightly brown, much like Oxblood and similar shades. Its brown undertones mean that it looks good with other neutrals. It also looks great with its complementary color, Cal Poly Pomona Green.

Purple Violet
Hex #47243C
RGB 71, 36, 60
CMYK 0, 49, 15, 72

Purple CMYK

This color is the standard for purple in the CMYK printing system. Purple CMYK is a classic, slightly blue-tinted purple that looks especially good paired with blues and greens.

Purple CMYK
Hex #6A317F
RGB 106, 49, 127
CMYK 17, 61, 0, 50

Ocean Purple

Though the ocean isn't necessarily purple, it's easy to see how this color got its name. It has a similar depth to the blue-green color of most oceans, and it's watery and calm.

Ocean Purple
Hex #6E2D91
RGB 110, 45, 145
CMYK 24, 69, 0, 43

Shiny Purple

You can't really make a color look shiny on a screen, but Shiny Purple is almost neon. Much like a gleaming color would, Shiny Purple easily catches the eye.

Shiny Purple
Hex #B941FF
RGB 185, 65, 255
CMYK 27, 75, 0, 0

Autumn Purple

If you need a shade of purple to complete an autumnal color palette, Autumn Purple is the color to pick. This demure reddish-purple is right at home alongside oranges, reds, and yellows.

Autumn Purple
Hex #834468
RGB 131, 68, 104
CMYK 0, 48, 21, 49

Shades of Purple Color

Because purple encompasses colors named violet which are not technically violets, as well as deep purples that are almost pink and fuchsias closer to blue, the actual range of purple shades is exceedingly vast.

These are just a few examples of the vivid and matte colors associated with the purple range, with many more interesting shades out there, from mauve to lilac and everything in between.

These colors can also be found in nature. Here's a visual list of things that are purple.

Pictures of Different Shades of Purple
